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Madison Bowen 


Clinical Doctorate of Occupational Therapy Student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham 




All About Me

My name is Madison Bowen. I am overjoyed to have the honor and privilege of creating a continuing education resource focusing on trauma-informed interventions to facilitate safe and effective sleep for foster children. My passion for this specific topic comes from the experience of growing up in a foster family. I have cherished the opportunity to be a big sister to many siblings over the years and count it as one of my biggest blessings.  


When finalizing my capstone project, I knew I wanted to create a free resource for foster families that was trauma-informed. I chose this specific topic because only 1% of resources for foster parents focus on sleep. There is an urgent need currently present within this population, and I saw an opportunity to do my part to address it using the knowledge gained through my occupational therapy program.


It is my sincere hope that you not only find this course accessible but genuinely helpful. It was designed with caregivers in mind, and I hope that this training equips you with easily implementable strategies that increase your confidence around bedtime. Thank you for opening your homes and hearts while serving your communities as foster parents!



1401 Doug Baker Blvd Ste 107 - 175
Birmingham, AL 35242

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